Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Immersion Chapter 14 The Journey to the Edge (Fear of Death)

Welcome to Immersion, You have reached strata 14

Fear is an intensely unpleasant emotion (often felt physically by humans) in response to perceiving or recognizing danger or threat. Fear is peculiar to sentient beings; humans and some animals.

Afraid face by Sarnia de la Mare FRSA for Book of Immersion
The human brain decides in milliseconds to defend, attack or flee at the point of fear.
Long-term fear has slower responses but is not necessarily well-measured as assessing true risk is extremely subjective. Humans feel fear differently depending on age, upbringing, social conditions and external manipulation such as propaganda and education.

Symptoms of fear in humans can manifest as palpitations, sweating, nausea, dizziness, panting, urination and defecation.

Ultimately, fear is propelled by ideas of harm and death. Notwithstanding the surge of adrenaline which can be thrilling and even erotic, fear is not something most humans crave whilst adventure and uncertainty certainly is. The fantasy of fear through films and other media has long been explored and enjoyed by humans as a form of entertainment.

Machines cannot feel fear. Machines can only fail in their programmed purpose with neither opinion nor disappointment. Machines will have no concept of death for themselves unless they are told. They will however understand that if they cease to exist, so will their purpose.

Flex was whooping and laughing.

'Well, that was fun,' he remarked with glee.

'It was dangerous.' warned Renyke, 'it could have easily gone the other way.'

Renyke felt the pounding inside his ribcage subside at last.

But something was amiss. He was about to ask the POS some questions but Shabra was singing loudly.

'That's the pleasure Mr. Renyke!

'Aint no burn without the fire.'

Flex joined in.
'Get the rise in your thighs, brother,' 

Afraid face by Sarnia de la Mare FRSA for Book of Immersion

The mood finally settled as Shabra continued along a straight road that ran parallel to a waterway.

Renyke took the moment and check the POS for information about fear, something he had heard about of course. He had been programmed to avoid instilling fear in humans at all costs. All androids were designed to improve human lives. It was their duty as androids to facilitate and give pleasure, to entertain, to make human life more manageable with seamless day to day interactions that would not cause emotional or physical harm. The human existence in the Midcasts was sold on this idea of emotional harmony, a gentle shallow undulation of life, a steady equilibrium where the extremes of human suffering were a thing of the past.

Of course, there were droids who played emotionally charged games, wargames and suchlike. But even they were programmed to allow humans to win in the end and to be careful that humans were not emotionally troubled in the execution of pastimes.  No human should be, or could be, disempowered or overpowered by a droid. At least, this was the case in the Midcasts.

Renyke had heard of establishments frequented by addicts of extreme fear and other outlandish emotions. Customers could attend sessions with torturous activities on offer. But such places had been banned and eradicated in the Midcasts, well before his creation.

The POS was inactive, an increasingly annoying situation for Renyke whose confusion seemed to be growing in this strange environment.

He observed the unknown surroundings. 

The waterway had been used as a trading canal for several years overseen by pirates. There were lights and boats but little noise other than wildlife and the trickling and rippling of gentle waves.

'We only have an hour before sun up,' says Shabra. 'It's *timeplenty to get to the *edge.' 

'What's happening here with these boats?' Renyke asked Flex.

'Pirates, cutthroat *crimgangs. They are trade boats, imports mostly, different gangs use different parts of the river. It's no place for a *loney. 

'Are they smuggling?'

Flex laughs.....'Well there aint no rules here, no borders like you mean brother.

Traders bring stuff, food, tools, equipment, to sell for the markets. Then there are the slaves.'

'People?' asked Renick. 

'Yes people and untied droids, robots.'

'What sort of people?' asks Renyke, surprised at Flex's answers.

'People who can't fight for themselves. People who prefer to be owned than free.
They find that they're fed and watered and it's safer than being on the streets. Most owners feed and house slaves at least. Some are born into slavery, they know nothing else.'

'Yes, that's right. I was a slave. And it was reasonable. I had a very good life. But I was tied, I couldn't leave, yet I had no wish to leave.' Renyke explains and realises that these concepts had never arisen before whilst he was tied to the midcast houses. He had never considered himself a slave. 

'So how did you get away?' Asks Flex 

'Yes, my question also'.......said Shabra
'How did you get away?'

Renyke is unsure about how much information to give so he skirted around it a little.

He lowers his head. Maybeline runs up to his shoulder and nestles into his neck.

'They were going to dismantle you, and you wanted to live. It happens, you are not alone,' said Flex.

'Things are a little....blurry,' said Renyke. I am working through my memory banks. Some things are missing. My POS is still searching.'

'So you fancy an adventure?' asks Shabra.

Renyke looks quizzically, 'What do you mean?'

'This is an adventure, are you enjoying it?' asks Flex.

Renyke thinks for a moment and answers, 

'It is a little bit risky perhaps. Somewhat unpredictable I would say. But yes, it's preferable and more entertaining than house duties, cleaning floors etc. Although, I rather enjoyed managing the accounts.'

'I'd go for the unknown adventure any time,' says Flex. 'Besides Mr. Renick. Now you've got me on side. I'll get you to Redact. Don't you worry about a thing, I bin meaning to check out those sistas for a while.'

'There goes that feeling again.....' mumbles Renyke.

'What's that you *mumbachumba, Mr. Renyke? Asks Shabra.

'Nothing important, just random thoughts,' answers Renyke, making a mental note to check the POS about feelings of 'excitement' later on.

Shabra pulled up to park. Birds are singing and dawn approaches as the night cycle comes to its end.

Afraid face by Sarnia de la Mare FRSA for Book of Immersion
'So, here we are. This is the *edge.' Shabra informs them as she exits the vehicle. Flex and Renyke follow suit.

Renyke begins to remove his coat as Flex gets some provisions from the back of the vehicle.

'Mr. Renyke,' laughs Shabra, 'I'm not going to take your coat. You keep it, because I tell you something, you look great at it and it'll be too big for me anyways. Besides, twas a fun night, filled with fright.'

Renyke smiles, although he doesn't want to leave Shabra. He bows his head low. '

Thank you, Shabra, I will be eternally at your service."

'I'll tell you what Mr. Renyke on your way back. You make sure you get a message to me on the *websynet and I will come and pick you up and I'll take you back to wherever it is you go. 

'But I may not come back,' said Renyke. 

'I get about these parts, future is a wide guess at best.' Shabra winks and Renyke blushes.

'A blushing droid? What kinda copy are you......?' says Shabra, getting back into her vehicle and returning to the zones.

Flex and Renyke are at the edge of a small hamlet. Makeshift buildings made of shipwrecks and driftwood line the river, some more sophisticated than others.

Flex looks around. and holds a finger to the wind? 

'What are you doing?' Renyke asks.

'Checking the wind speed. There's a boat down there, see it, the little one with the sail.'
If we take the water, we're going to cut out some nasty terrain."

Renyke checks the POS but it is down.

'But what about pirates? Surely that would be most foolhardy?'

'You are such a *wordysmith,' says Flex. 'The land route is tough for ten miles or so, tribes and gangs and animals too. If we take the boat we can look less threatening, like a pair of nomads is all.'

to be continued.....

©2024 Sarnia de la Mare

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1
Strata 2
Strata 3
Strata 4
Strata 5
Strata 6
Strata 7
Strata 8
Strata 9
Strata 10
Strata 11
Strata 12
Strata 13
Strata 14
Strata 15
Strata 16
Strata 18
Strata 19
Strata 21

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Strata 9, Immersion V1, Loins and Lust (Limerence)

Lose yourself in the safety of books.

The Book of Immersion

Volume 1

Strata 9 

Loins and Lust (Limerence)

The Book of Immersion is published on the Tale Teller Club website each week.

Each episode features CDM music by the band Tale Teller Club and illustraitions by iServalan Homotech 23

Welcome to our world.

© 2024 Sarnia de la Maré

Tale Teller Club

Publishing Immersion Strata 9

Welcome to Immersion

You have reached Strata 9


Limerence is a uniquely human phenomenon that new lovers, potential lovers and sometimes even strangers, may experience. Limerence is a state of mind (not solely romantic) that typically includes persistent, sometimes depressing thoughts, and a deep yearning for the object of one's affection. It can be easily confused with love. Often human beings can find themselves addicted to these obsessive feelings and can easily be overwhelmed by adoration for another human being. Limerence cannot be turned on and off like a machine. It can come from nowhere and disappear without logic. The experience of this sensory state is proven to be inspiring, connective, unifying, disruptive, and even excruciating, yet it continues to mark the human trajectory of existence through time and place.

Renyke thinks for a moment then says

'Ok, I will swap my coat but not until we get to the *edge,'

Shabra smiles and nods.

'OK, *dundeal Mr. Renyke Man. We go tonight when the dark takes. Safer see.'


The group is in an enclosure flanked by half-deconstructed concrete walls. There are large metal containers lying around with shrubbery and foliage trying to make a stand against the manmade environment.

Tumbleweed plays in a soft wind searching for a home.

Flex kicks some redundant ashes by an upturned metal water tank.

'I can make us a fire,' he said excitedly.

Maybeline scurries around searching for food and sniffing the air.

She smells something, danger is afoot.

Flex is armed with a pocket of lighters.

He wears a brightly coloured patchwork gaberdine style overcoat with inside pockets that have everything a nomad would need. There are small pieces of mechanical paraphernalia, vintage innards from antique items, little motors. He even has motherboards and old PC parts.

‘Do you take this stuff everywhere you go?’ asks Renyke.

‘Yes sir-ee, some days man’dun gotta make *swapsie-trade.

Everything has a use in the Zones brother.'

Renyke began to pace, 'Shabra is taking her time,’ he said standing near the opening of the enclosure.

‘She’ll come, she is huntin’ tis all my friend. You got attached already?’

Renyke stared at Flex a moment.

‘We need that ride,’ he said.

Then he checked the POS whose signal was intermittent.

'.......What are the signs of being attracted to somebody?'

The POS took a moment to compile a response……..

……Do you mean how is attraction manifested in humans Renyke?

'……yes, yes, of course ‘humans’, Renyke replied.'

The POS continued:

…..nervousness around the subject of the attraction

…..extended thoughts about the subject

…..obsessive thoughts beyond normal curiosity about the subject

…..insomnia due to obsessive considerations of the subject

…..anxiety over possible outcomes of imaginary scenarios involving the subject

…..a desire to touch the intimate parts of the subject

…..dreams about the subject

…..fantasy building scenarios between the human and the subject

…..being overly concerned about….

‘Enough,’ said Renyke.

Finally Shabra returned.

She carried two dead animals in her belt and washed a wide glinting blade under the water that flowed from a broken pipe behind one of the disused containers.

‘This water’s good. We can fill up the tanks and flask before we go.’

The new acquaintances were relaxed and considering preparing for the short but dangerous car journey to the Edge.

Shabra checked the vehicle mechanics, the doors and metal buttresses worked in perfect synch and there were six exhausts. She filled the water kegs and put them in the boot.

‘Where is the vehicle from?’ Asked Renyke.

‘I built it,' answered Shabra, 'from scratch. 'Well, I had several wrecks and put my beaut together.

Me n her, we like lovers. She drives me crazy with her vibes.’

Shabra looked at Renyke parting her lips into a wry smile. They were oily from the fat of the meal.

She winked through long dark lashes.

Renyke felt a thump in his heart, a deep penetrating surge of something enthralling.

Suddenly there is a distant high-pitched sound, like a siren or swarm. It seems to be getting louder when Flex and Shabra grab Renyke, throwing him into the vehicle.

Seconds later they were surrounded by a marauding mass of screaming children. Some were made of broken body parts with human faces, others were small walking babies with burnt skin. Some had extra limbs and even two heads. They were crying and screeching, banging toy drums and chanting verses.

to be continued

©2024 Sarnia de la Mare

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1
Strata 2
Strata 3
Strata 4
Strata 5
Strata 6
Strata 7
Strata 8
Strata 9
Strata 10
Strata 11
Strata 12
Strata 13
Strata 14
Strata 15
Strata 16
Strata 18
Strata 19
Strata 21

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Strata 5, Immersion V1, Renyke Goes to The Bank (Memories and Experiences)

Strata 5, Immersion V1, Renyke Goes to The Bank (Memories and Experiences)

Welcome to Immersion, you have reached Strata 5 

To function correctly, humans depend almost entirely upon memories. Memory is an integral part of human cognition allowing individuals to recall and draw upon past events to frame their understanding of the present. Memory also gives individuals a paradigm through which they make sense of the present and the future whilst simultaneously offering the security of a past where experiences and lessons were learned.

A machine that remembers too little will not be able to do anything that requires connecting past experiences to new ones. Many droids are prone to catastrophic forgetting or over learning both of which can cause gross malfunction.


Renyke attempted a face-recog on the woman but the makeup or tattoo caused a data malfunction. Flex, the one with probable knowledge about trusting her, had disappeared amongst the crowd.

After a lingering interlude for summing up dangers but with no logical conclusion, Renyke followed his guide, with some trepidation.

There were all kinds of traders in an open market trading live animals, electronic devices, even people selling workers by the hour for anything from labouring to singing and sexual services.

They arrived at a unit with barricades and metal shutters. It was constructed from an old underground train carriage, probably from the twenty-first century.

'Here we go,' the woman said.

'That's 50 *G-bits for getting you here Mr.'

'I have to get some money first,' said Renyke
'Plus, I don't know how to get the money. What do I need, I have no identification or paperwork.'

'You don't need ID here Mr. This is the *hiddens zone, the *Urchs got no ID. No ID, no problem.'

'Well. how do I get money?' asked Renyke, now confused about accessing anything that may be stored in his POS, and still dubious about sharing his true identity.'

The woman laughed.
'Ya gotta put sometin' up my friend.

'Like my coat?' asked Renyke.

'Na, not in the bank! Your software, course, or hardware, or files, whatever.....just plug in, give some data, get some g-bits innit. They take apps, software, POS, they'll even take your whole damned brain.....

Day to Day Data..... is their wayta.....
.....hahahahaha.' The woman cackled.

Renyke pondered the likelihood of a successful transaction in the bank and nodded.

The woman bashed on the metal door and a hatch opened.

Dark peering eyes checked Renyke and his companion up and down.

'Not the dog', said a loud booming voice after tentatively opening a heavily armoured door.

Inside was well guarded by large-framed characters who looked menacing and dangerous. They were standard issue security droids, the like of older versions that had been discontinued and recalled, disassembled and disposed of two or three generations ago. Security in the Midcasts was controlled by forcefields and lasers with little need for big ugly droids.

Renyke was ushered to a small cubical with an array of plugs and wires. Everything looked antiquated, from the early tech years.
There was a chair and Renyke was motioned to sit down.

He hesitated.

'How does it work?' He asked a large droid.

The droid seemed stupefied, slow, sluggish, as if he had been drained of power despite his size. He spoke slowly and slightly slurred with intermittent beeping noises and error warnings.

'Here is the current exchange rate,' said the droid, pointing to a monitor with flashing figures. 'As soon as you are plugged we see what you got and make an offer. Then we transfer. You get a voucher here.'....he pointed to a small printing machine, 'then take it over there and get G-bits or *S-bits.'

There were hundreds of wires and plugs seemingly for extracting and monitoring every device from the last couple of centuries. Anything from antique video machines to digital clocks seemed to have a lead on offer.

Renyke spotted the mark 3 Droid Cable and shuddered.

He checked his applications. Then all the add-ons. He checked for any temp files he could get rid of. Then he checked the POS and asked if there was a clean-up they could run.

System is currently set to factory install. Removing program files or data could be detrimental to smooth function....this action is not supported.....

more searching......then finally

one file found
unknown origin 
possible memory file from last OS 
surplus to current operational needs......unable to access file contents

Renyke weighs up the odds.

To be continued
© 2023 Sarnia de la Maré FRSA

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club

Strata 1
Strata 2
Strata 3
Strata 4
Strata 5
Strata 6
Strata 7
Strata 8
Strata 9
Strata 10
Strata 11
Strata 12
Strata 13
Strata 14
Strata 15
Strata 16
Strata 18
Strata 19
Strata 21